Our Network
1987: WHVT 90.5 FM-Clyde, Ohio
This was the year broadcasting began for what is now known as the Clean Air Radio Network.
1997: WHVT 94.1 FM-Findlay, Ohio
The first addition to WHVT a translator began broadcasting in Findlay, Ohio. This essentially started the "network". 94.1 FM covers Hancock County and we praise the Lord for this addition.
2006: www.cleanair.fm-online worldwide
The vision kept growing to the possibility of anybody in the world with an internet connection having the ability to listen. This of course has now went beyond computers and people are able to listen through their "smart" phones and other devices.
2011: WHVY 89.5 FM & 2015: 92.3 FM Coshocton, Ohio
In June of 2011 the Lord allowed us to start our second full power station. Our tower is in Fresno Township in Coshocton County. The listenership and popularity of 89.5 FM Clean Air has grown quickly. Even though the signal of 89.5 FM reaches a large area. We were receiving complaints from listeners in the city of Coshocton concerning reception. After much prayer and seeking the Lord for wisdom, 92.3 FM became available and we signed on the air in August of 2015.

Our Doctrine
WHVT and WHVY are extension of the ministries of the Harvest Baptist Temple (HBT). Our beliefs are in life with those of HBT. You can find a more detailed statement of faith at the HBT website. Listed below
is a quick summary of the doctrinal stands of CleanAir.
- We believe in the Holy Trinity. One God in three Persons: God the Father, God the Son, & God the Holy Spirit.
- We believe in the Holy Scriptures. The Holy Bible was inspired by God and Preserved in a perfect English translation - the King James Version.
- We believe in the Local Church. God's agency for conducting his business on earth is the Local body of baptized believers.
- We believe in the Total Depravity of Man. Man is in sin and can do nothing to save himself from the price of his/her sin which is both physical & spiritual death. Spiritual death is an eternal existence away from God in a literal place of torment called the "lake of fire".
- We believe in Salvation by Grace through Faith. Salvation is a free gift of God's Grace! It is received when a sinner repents of sin and trusts in the resurrected Lord Jesus as his personal Savior.
- We believe in Eternal Security of the Believer. Once an individual believes in Christ as Savior, his/her salvation is complete and secure! Our actions could not merit our salvation and they certainly cannot undo our great salvation!
- We believe in the Individual Priesthood of the Believer. Every believer can come to God through Christ Alone! No pastor or priest has to mediate for the believer. Christ himself is our Great Mediator who brings us into the "throne of grace".
- We believe in Baptism by Immersion after profession of faith. The first step of obedience after a person has been saved is the act of obedience in identifying with Christ by baptism. This action is a picture symbolizing the death, burial, & resurrection of Jesus Christ.
- We believe in the Great Commission. The Son of God, Jesus Christ, gave a commandment before he left this earth. He said, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature".
- We believe in Separation from the World. Every believer is unique and special to the Savior. Because of this uniqueness the believer should be different from the sin-filled world that he/she has been redeemed from.
- We believe in Pastoral Authority. The local church has an under-shepherd that is accountable to God. This leader is the Pastor of the church who leads and directs the ministry under the influence of the Word of God & the Holy Spirit.
Our Music
Listener Support
75% of our funding comes from, yes, listeners like you! Not enough can be said and not enough thanks can be given to the generous financial support of our listeners. While commercial stations make millions of dollars from commercials, we primarily rely on the financial support of our listeners. Clean Air is here to broadcast the Gospel, encourage the Christian, and be a help to the local Church.
As the network has grown from one low power FM station, to now two FM stations, one FM translator, and an internet station the cost of operation has also grown as well. Any time throughout the year you can send your support to Clean Air. We do however "raise support" through holding two Share-a-thons per year.
During Share-athon listeners call in and pledge a certain dollar amount of support throughout the following twelve months. This allows us to determine how much funding we anticipate over the next year if and where we need to make financial cuts through the year.
We are a Nonprofit 501(c)3 organization, that means your "gift" is tax deductible when tax season comes around. That is a win-win situation for Clean Air and for you.
Church Support
Church support accounts for nearly 10% of the funding that Clean Air receives. Churches that support us financially are found under the "Partners" tab here on the website. Some churches support on a monthly basis, some take up special offerings throughout the year, and others give a one time annual gift .
Clean Air strives to be an asset for local churches in our listening areas. With over 250,000 people under the broadcast signals of Clean Air, your ability to reach people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ is greatly amplified! In the over 25 years of broadcasting we are aware of dozens of people who have been saved as a result of Clean Air. If we sat down we could spend hours going through letters of hundreds of Christians who have been blessed and encouraged by Clean Air.
As a help to your ministry we offer the Clean Air Community Bulletin Board. This is broadcast Monday-Friday in the 8 AM, 12 PM, and 6PM hour. You can advertise your revival, special service, concert, food pantry, fund raiser, VBS, etc... this is a free service. Yes, you heard read it correctly! This is free just send us the information on your special event.
Business Underwriting
At this point "Underwriting" accounts for about 15% of Clean Air's funding. "Underwriting" is a way for businesses to give money to Clean Air and get their name on our network. Being a 501(c)3 Noncommercial radio station registered with the Federal Communication Commission(FCC) we are limited in what we can say about your business.
"Underwriting" is different than "Advertising". Unlike commercial stations, Clean Air stations are designated as "noncommercial" by the FCC. The FCC allows a business to provide us with a financial "grant" for which we give, in return, "thank you" announcements designed to inform listeners about businesses who support Clean Air!
Rather than trying to "wow" our listeners with comparisons and hype, we simply tell them WHO you are, WHAT you do, WHERE you are, WHEN you're open. Generally all on-air acknowledgments contain the Name of Business, Address (including directions and hours of business), Contact information (including phone number, email/website where available), and a List of products and services. The Best part about "Underwriting" is that Clean Air listeners know that you support Christian Radio!